Voodoo VaudEvil
Voodoo VaudEvil started touring 22 years ago, and the Circus of Horrors continues touring today. Voodoo VaudEvil has shows lined up to bring horrors to life before the Halloween holiday. Two major shows are being held between 20 October and 21 October.
A spectacular performance, the show is as bizarre as it is fantastic. The show is designed to provide the crowd with a sense of shock, horror and weaves a bit of magic into the performance.
The show has evolved over the years, with the costumes and special effects bringing the darkest of magic to the stage. The sound from the original show has remained somewhat the same, with minor tweaks that are sure to make the crowd die laughing.
Even the famed Simon Cowell, the judge that seemingly hates everything, has said that he loves the show.
Circus of Horrors plays over 100 shows per year, and this year, the performance will go to festivals in Japan, Germany, Chile and nearly a dozen other countries. The show has also played for 10 nights at the O2 Arena.
The circus performance is a one-of-a-kind production that has made history. The show is the first circus show in London’s West End in 100+ years. The circus also made it to the Britain’s Got Talent finals.
Voodoo VaudEvil started the Circus of Horrors, with the passion and flair that helped the show go from a cult show into what is now a household name. The extreme has now gone mainstream, and Voodoo VaudEvil’s appearances on television has solidified the show as a must-see.
The circus has never been this fun.
And with the 1995 beginnings at the Glastonbury Festival, it quickly became a hit. The show’s original performance helped the group travel the world, with shows from Chile to Japan. Voodoo VaudEvil has also appeared at festivals with some of the biggest names in music, including: Oasis, Iron Maiden and the Foo Fighters.
Circus of Horrors is not a show intended for children. People that have a nervous disposition will also want to pass on this show. The language is geared towards adults, and the show does contain nudity. People under 16 will need to attend the show with a parent.
During the Halloween period, Voodoo VaudEvil will run two units to meet the demands of the crowd.
The show involves a Voodoo curse, which causes devastation while the underworld’s creatures come to life in an amazing performance.